You (hereinafter referred to as "Member") and Thunder Trend and Smart United Network (hereinafter referred to as "Vendor") have entered into this Agreement. By accessing, downloading, utilizing, or selecting "I agree" to accept any Products and Services provided by the vendor (as defined below), you acknowledge that you have read, comprehended, and agreed to all of the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement. This Agreement consists of this Service Agreement and incorporates by reference the appended Code of Conduct and Social Media Guidelines, all of which constitute this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement").
The vendor has agreed to provide products and services to the Member under the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and the Member believes that the Vendor possesses the appropriate and necessary qualifications, experience, and skills to provide products and services to the Member.
In consideration of the aforementioned matters, whose receipt and sufficiency are hereby acknowledged, the Member and Vendor agree as follows:
- Scope of Function
The Vendor is responsible for providing the Member with the following goods and services:
Through the acquisition of a yearly membership via the Member's computer or Internet-compatible devices for the Member's personal or internal purposes, the Member shall be granted a limited, non-exclusive, and non-transferable membership (except in the event of the member's death or the member's country's probate processes).
The membership includes access to current and future products and services, including but not limited to Tech Education, Cryptocurrency Airdrops and Listings, NFT Metaverse Games, Advertising, and membership rewards. These are optional products and services that the vendor may introduce the Member to, as detailed below.
The vendor will provide the Member with educational materials including text, illustrations, photos, audio and video files, virtual live training, and documents. Subject to availability, the educational resources provided will primarily focus on four main categories: content creation, social media marketing, website development, and cryptocurrency. It is expressly forbidden for the member to use these resources for resale or commercial purposes. Gold education resources can be accessed by purchasing a Gold Membership for $60.00; additional membership options will be provided in Phase 2, which will start in June 2024.
The member will receive rewards from the Vendor for each re-contribution made by up to 40 members who joined after the member purchased a Gold membership, provided the member consistently complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Membership Rewards are dependent on the current level of qualified membership. As rewards are collected, a withdrawal must be initiated once the minimum withdrawal amount of 100 TTT or more is available in the membership wallet. This enables the Member to accrue continuous Rewards, acquire additional memberships at their discretion, or redeem specified cryptocurrency tokens or vouchers through the Vendor's platform or other third-party platforms designated by the Vendor in its sole discretion. Please note that every night at 00:00 am–02:00 am, all BV (Business Volume Points) will be converted to TTT and transferred to your ThunderLink Pro TTT wallet inside the Thunder Trend Platform after affiliate commissions are distributed to the community of Thunder Trend.
The Vendor may, at its sole discretion, introduce to the Member access to additional products and services beyond the education and membership rewards offered by THUNDER TREND, such as other products and services of THUNDER TREND, Smart United Network, or other third-party platforms, which may include discounted pricing, preferential rates, and non-discounted access to other platforms. The member acknowledges and agrees that these optional products and services are not included in the membership, with the exception that the membership includes awareness of these optional products and services. The member acknowledges that the vendor is solely providing introductions and does not endorse any of these optional products or services. The member understands and agrees that the member's decision to proceed with such products and services is discretionary and that the member should have obtained independent professional advice on the matter. The introduction of these optional products or services by the vendor to the Member is contingent on the Member satisfying all terms and conditions of these third parties, and the vendor makes no guarantee that the Member will qualify. The member acknowledges that such products and services may require additional KYC, disclosures, and applications and may not be available in all countries. The member also agrees that another member's approval or rejection of additional products and services does not affirm or indicate that the Member will be similarly accepted.
Terms and Conditions
These terms and conditions shall remain in full force and effect until the completion of the products and services, subject to the terms of this Agreement.
- Obtaining membership
The Member shall acquire cryptocurrency on their exchange or wallet and transfer it to the cryptocurrency wallet address provided by the THUNDER TREND API as provided by the Vendor in order to gain access to the products and services of THUNDER TREND. The vendor is not in the exchange business, nor does it provide financial guidance or advice, nor does it provide specific training or support regarding specific exchanges or wallets the Member may use to acquire cryptocurrency in their country.
- Member services and products
The vendor shall make available the education and instructional content necessary for the Member to comprehend and execute the operations necessary to achieve the Member's membership objectives.
The vendor is required to issue a receipt for the membership purchased by the Member. Upon becoming a member, the receipt will be sent to the member's email address on file.
The vendor shall provide the member with access to current and prospective products and services in development, including but not limited to: Tech Education, Cryptocurrency Airdrops and assistance, NFT Metaverse Games, Advertising, and membership rewards.
- Restriction on membership
The member acknowledges that the currency exchanged for membership access is the sole property of the Vendor, that the member has no further claim to the original currency, and that the Vendor has the right to distribute the cryptocurrency TTT that the currency for membership was converted into to the community as they see fit.
- Maximum efforts from the vendor
The Membership is based on best efforts, and there is a risk of losing all funds and rewards, as with any undertaking. The world of cryptocurrencies is highly volatile, carries the risk of loss, and may not be appropriate for all individuals. The risks include, but are not limited to, market risks, system risks, cybersecurity, transaction processing risks, regulatory risks, trading risks, personal risks or errors, and business failure. Opinions, market data, and recommendations may be modified without prior notice. Past performance is neither injective nor indicative of future performance. There is no recommendation to acquire any membership, product, or service from the Vendor. Members draw their own conclusions based on their own investigations. Prior to making a decision, if a Member is uncertain, the vendor advises the Member to consult a suitably qualified professional.
- Eligibility.
By registering to become a member of THUNDER TREND, Member represents and warrants that (i) as an individual, Member is at least 18 or is of legal age to form a binding contract under applicable laws; (ii) as an individual, or legal person or has strict permission from parents to participate if under 18or legal age in country, Member has full legal capacity and sufficient authorizations to enter into these Terms; (iii) Member takes responsibility and has determined that the acquisition of this membership is lawful in the country or territory in which the Member resides, and holds Vendor harmless for its decision to acquire this membership; (iv) Member has not been previously suspended or removed by Vendor for cause; (v) Member’s use of Vendor’s products & services will not violate any and all laws and regulations applicable to Member; (vi) Member warrants that they have not and will not accept fiat currency for the purpose of providing TTT to someone else’s membership account; (vii) if at any time Vendor discovers that Member is in violation of AML/CTF or other applicable laws, access to membership Rewards account may be restricted or blocked indefinitely or terminated, and Member may be reported for both criminal and civil penalties.
- Know Your Customer (KYC) Standards
The member may be required to provide KYC information to the Vendor, including but not limited to a passport or national identity, photograph, date of birth, and other forms of identification, at the sole discretion of the Vendor. Additionally, the member may be required to provide information regarding the origin of the cryptocurrency used to acquire membership. The member is also aware that optional products and services may and frequently do require distinct KYC information and additional information.
- Recourse.
Acquiring membership from the Vendor shall be accompanied by a complete acknowledgment that the Vendor's activities are based on best efforts and that past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.
- Independent Delegate
Each party acts independently in accordance with this Agreement. No employer-employee relationship exists. The parties agree that this Agreement does not establish between them a joint venture or partnership.
- Notice.
All Vendor notices, updates, or requests regarding the terms of this Agreement, including any required revisions and/or enforcement action, shall be in writing and delivered to the Member electronically via the email address registered with the Vendor, in the back office of the Vendor's membership site, or both. A general notice posted in the Vendor's back office and made available to each Member is regarded as a personal notice to the Member. All notices, requests, and responses from the Member to the Vendor must be made in writing, in English, and sent to
- Time is of vital importance.
No modification or extension of this Agreement will constitute a waiver of this clause. In terms of this Agreement, time is of the essence.
- Non-Refundable.
The member acknowledges that no refunds are possible once currency has been sent to the account details provided by the Thunder Trend API in order to register as a member. Membership Rewards in the form of BV are earned in accordance with this Agreement. The deposit of currency to provide account details supplied by the vendor acknowledges the irreversibility of the exchange and cannot be reversed.
- Integration.
This Agreement contains the entirety of the Agreement and understanding between the Member and the Vendor, and no other representations, assurances, promises, agreements, or understandings, whether written or oral, shall have force or effect.
- Optional Law
This Agreement, its performance, and all suits and special proceedings arising out of this Agreement shall be held, interpreted, and governed in accordance with South African law.
- Assignability and Severity
The vendor may from time to time revise its corporate structure and may, at its sole and exclusive discretion, assign the performance and fulfillment of some or all of the products and services under this Agreement to another company within the Smart United Network Group, whether education, rewards, or otherwise.
If the member is dissatisfied with these modifications, the member may simply stop making re-contributions to Thunder Trend and will cease to be a member after receiving its final membership reward under this Agreement.
The provisions of this Agreement are severable, and the invalidity or unenforceability of one or more provisions shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.
- Sustainability and Equality of The THUNDER TREND Community and Community Rewards Plan
Any member who has not accessed (abandoned) their Thunder Trend account for 180 days Community Line position will be deactivated. The automatic Withdrawal of BV every 24 hours prevents damage to the community affiliate commission distribution and creates automatic re-contribution into the community of Thunder Trend.
Any member who does not re-contribute to THUNDER TREND for 60 days is aware that the account's Rewards will be distributed to the THUNDER TREND community every 60 days from the date of membership initiation.
Code OF Ethics:
This Code of Conduct is an integral part of this Service Agreement, and the Member acknowledges that any violation of this Code of Conduct constitutes a violation of this Service Agreement and may result in disciplinary action or even termination of membership.
As a member of the THUNDER TREND membership platform who shares in the growth of the Vendor, the Member must uphold certain standards as a platform and community participant. The Smart United Network, which includes Thunder Trend, is committed to innovating the blockchain industry, developing excellent products and services, and attracting devoted users. Respect for our members, for the opportunity, and for one another are the pillars of our success, and we must promote this every day.
Who Must Adhere to Our Code?
All Thunder Trend members who have either paid their initial membership fee or contributed again must abide by this Code of Conduct.
Our reputation for creating a sustainable, trustworthy environment in which our members can benefit from our diverse products and services, which are the result of years of experience in numerous tech-related industries, is by far our greatest asset. The community and our team are responsible for ensuring that we continue to earn this trust. If there is any suspicion of wrongdoing among our community members, such as poaching members, defamation, fraud or deception, money laundering, stacking of memberships to capture accelerated affiliate sales commission rewards to the detriment of the sponsor tree, abuse, or other acts that violate laws or best practices in the community towards our members and corporate team, we request that the community members notify the Vendor so that we can maintain the highest level of integrity. If such misconduct exists and the Member has failed to maintain integrity, the Member's account may be restricted until such activity has been investigated and rectified.
It is prohibited for those who are building a community or inviting other members to the opportunity to pose as the Vendor or to use any of the Vendor's trademarked or copyrighted marketing materials, logos, or support channels to promote other businesses, or to use any of the Vendor's trademarked or copyrighted marketing materials or logos in unapproved marketing efforts without the express permission of the Vendor. The member understands and agrees that it will never use the Thunder Trend trademark or copyrighted materials, logos, or other materials without Thunder Trend's express permission.
The severity of the violation may result in a permanent prohibition from the Vendor's support channels and membership, as well as legal action.
Multiple Personal accounts or misuse or abuse of the Referral Rewards Plan
Those who are constructing a community and aspiring to climb the levels of Thunder Trend must understand that the ranks of VIP 3–7 are accelerated rewards for constructing the Community. Using multiple accounts to qualify for any of these ranks from the Vendor constitutes abuse of the affiliation rewards program. Such account usage is not community-building, and members cannot legitimately expect to receive affiliate commission rewards for community-building activity that is not community-building. It is also a standard in the networking community that if a member stacks multiple accounts beneath that member that are only theirs, they are earning rewards for themselves and depriving those above their original position of accelerated rewards. It must be understood that anyone abusing the rewards plans with multiple accounts, either to qualify for VIP status in whole or in part or to stack multiple memberships under their original membership, is in violation of this Code of Conduct and Service Agreement and should return any additional financial benefits to the Vendor. Additionally, multiple positions will be collapsed into a single original position possessed by the Member if proven to be abused in order to qualify for VIP Ranks 3–7 in Phase 2, which is estimated to launch in June 2024.
Our community members who actively benefit from the THUNDER TREND platform are required to adhere to the Code of Conduct and are prohibited from making false or defamatory statements about THUNDER TREND, its founder and creator, Mr. Jean-Pierre Rademeyer, or any other companies or platforms owned by the Smart United Network. This serves as a warning to all of our paid and active members.
Anyone who violates the above terms will receive one warning and a one-week account suspension. A second violation will result in the immediate deactivation of the community line position granted to the member upon membership. Further violations will be classified as termination of account, with the possibility that the account will be put up for auction in the future should the ThunderCore Committee agree to do so.
AML/CTF stands for anti-Money Laundering and counter-Terrorism Financing.
Member agrees that, by entering into the Service Agreement, Member will not knowingly do anything to put Vendor in violation of any law concerning Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing ("AML/CTF Laws"), including, but not limited to, acting as a money broker or related criminal activities, making fake deposits, taking "fees" for helping prospective members become members, or accepting fiat currency from individuals with whom you have no prior relationship. Under no circumstances should you accept fiat currency in exchange for TTT or other cryptocurrencies, even for a close family member or friend, in excess of 10,000 TTT without prior approval from the Thunder Trend Office of Compliance, which will not approve the transaction without full KYC and proof of funds source. The member agrees to inform the vendor of any information that could place the vendor or Member in violation of the AML/CTF Laws. Similarly, if a Member has been asked by a sponsoring member to make payments to that sponsoring member, that Member must be reported to the Thunder Trend Office of Compliance. In addition, the Vendor may occasionally require additional information and/or documentation to assist with this process.
Suspension and Deletion of Account
For the avoidance of doubt, if a member's community line position is suspended, they will be unable to withdraw or re-contribute under the current plan.
If an account is terminated, it indicates that the Member has violated this Agreement, and all unearned membership benefits, including any remaining payment of membership rewards, will be forfeited and distributed to the Thunder Trend community as a whole.
We at Thunder Trend and the Smart United Network rely on the sound judgment of our Community and our corporate team to uphold a high level of integrity for ourselves and the Vendor. We expect all of our corporate team members and Community members to strictly adhere to the Code of Conduct. We are aware that doing the right thing is not always straightforward, so if you are unsure of what to do or require clarification, please do not hesitate to consult our Community members or the management team. Additionally, the Compliance Office is available for advice and inquiries.
The Member acknowledges that any violation of these Social Media Guidelines constitutes a breach of this Service Agreement and may result in disciplinary action or even termination.
Thunder Trend and the Smart United Network are committed to the success of our community builders and to providing them with the resources they require. When signing up as a Thunder Trend affiliate (community builder), it is crucial to ensure that everything you say on social media is accurate and represents Thunder Trend and the Smart United Network in an appropriate manner.
In light of this, we have developed the following straightforward guidelines to assist you and all other members in expanding the community in a compliant manner.
Share your referral link or company-provided website ONLY in private messages with your social media contacts.
-Refer to our official channels for guidance on message delivery.
-Invite in confidence your social media contacts to our authorized Corporate Presentations;
-Answer legitimate queries (provided you know the answer) using the correct THUNDER TREND membership terminology;
your referrer, an expert, or someone of higher rank in your line of referral to answer queries in Thunder Trend.
Refer to the official directions if you have any uncertainty.
If necessary, direct users to official ThunderTrend channels, presentations, and FAQs.
-Study the Vendor's official presentations and use official materials and the precise terminology designated by the Vendor to describe the Vendor and the Group's affiliated companies.
-Make any public presentations without prior approval from the Office of Compliance of the Vendor and only using the pre-approved Standard Presentation materials provided by the Vendor.
-Impersonate the Smart United Network, THUNDER TREND trademark, name, logo, or other authorized symbols;
-Share unofficial marketing materials or social media posts outside of the official Facebook and Telegram Groups (without explicit written permission from the Vendor);
-Use the Vendor's trademark or logo in profile imagery (without the Vendor's explicit written permission);
-Use the Vendor's brand, name, or logo on personal social media accounts, personal web domains, OR hosted group conversations (without the Vendor's express written permission);
-Post or make any type of income claim;
Allow defamatory or abusive comments on your posts;
Post false or misleading information;
-Post defamatory comments about THUNDER TREND, Smart United Network, or members of the Vendor's Community;
promote the products of a rival company to recognised affiliate partners;
If necessary, please take action as soon as feasible.
The publication of this Agreement serves as notice to all Thunder Trend Community Builders who are currently in violation of these rules. The member is required to take immediate action to correct any deficiencies or violations.
Anyone found in violation of these Social Media rules by our Compliance team or other affiliates is subject to a warning and, upon repeated violations, termination or blacklisting.
Now that you know what to do and what not to do, it's time to use social media effectively and cleanly to help us construct the world's strongest blockchain community.
The Agreement is comprised of the Service Agreement, Code of Conduct, and Social Media Guidelines as stated.